Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Age PE... or not.

There's a big debate going on about how much time there ought to be for recess or, in the case of middle and high schools, PE classes.

The problem is that we're turning into a nation of butterballs, and it's not just you and me; it's the kiddos. Little Johnny gets plenty of stimulation for his fingers while shredding to Guitar Hero or the latest abomination on the Wii, but that's about it.

Instead of having six-pack abs one day, their bellies will look more like a keg.

But the latest exercise fad may have some flaws. See here:

Yeah, let the kids whale on each other for a while. That'll burn off calories and teach conflict resolution.

To be truthful, I'm not sure this is all bad. If you're a teacher with some of these kids in class, maybe they're so pooped out they can't give you grief.

At least, as one mother says, it keeps her kid off the streets; you know, where he might get into a fight.

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