Sunday, March 30, 2008

What's next, mug shots?

Generally you will find me agreeing with the ACLU about as often as often as Homer Simpson passes up a free doughnut -- infrequently.

But here's an idea that the educrats have dreamed up in the name of efficiency; fingerprinting students. The ACLU is not amused and neither should you.

It's happening in Akron, Ohio:

Take a look at the story. This is being touted not only as efficient (Hmmm, what type of societies value efficiency over common sense? Oh yeah, oppressive ones), but eliminates stigmatizing low income kids.

That makes perfect sense. A kid who lives in dire circumstances and may not have enough clothes to wear or food to eat really cares that he has to present a card to get some food in his belly. I bet he has other concerns besides being stigmatized.

So the kill-the-fly-with-a-hammer solution is to fingerprint all kids and use that system to track their meal purchases. Certainly such information could only be used for good and never for anything nefarious by a government bureaucracy, right?

The really scary part is that this is will not be limited to Akron. Districts nationwide have been looking at this technology. It may be coming to a school system near you.

Has there ever been a school named after George Orwell?

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