Monday, April 28, 2008

Baseball, hot dogs and apple pie should watch out


No, you're not. And neither is anyone else.

"Tag" has been tagged -- at least for a while.

In one Virginia school district, the educrats have deemed the purest sport imaginable off-limits.

It's too violent, don't ya know? Kids might get a boo-boo, a scrape, or get hurt feelings. Sure, nobody really wants those things, but a little adversity on the playground might just help you be better prepared for the adult games that are a little rougher than "tag."

You see, the little darlings in McLean, Virginia are getting a little roughed up playing tag. Small wonder. They probably spend most of their time cooped up playing on the Wii or surfing the net. (That is, of course, when they are done with their homework, natch.)

Is it any wonder they need to blow off some steam and have turned tag into a pre-pubescent rave?

The solution for this one is on the parents' shoulders. Tell the school board in McLean to allow tag once again. But, in return, parents forego the right to sue when their little precious gets a bloody elbow.

Hmmm. I guess "tag" is doomed after all.

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