Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Maybe they should get Nike as a sponsor...

It may come to that.

Pay to Play may or may not be something your local schools are implementing. Maybe they've already done it. Or maybe they're just thinking about it.

But I predict it's coming on a more widespread basis. See here:

This is just like developer "impact fees." You know what those are, right? A developer builds news homes but the local government, busy giving cozy tax breaks to just about everyone but Joe Sixpack, demands that the developer build "improvements." You know, little things like roads, and sewer connections; things your tax dollars are already supposed to pay for.

So where are your taxing going? Who knows? They don't seem to be covering the basics anymore.

Schools have the same problem. Education funding has gone up more than 60 percent (for federal spending) since 2001. That money goes to local schools. So why do some districts need to charge you if your kid wants to play football, swim competitively, or join the dance squad?

I don't know, but if I were living in a school district where they chisled me for something that ought to be free, I'd want to know why. Ask your School Board. Demand to know.

Follow the money.

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